Thursday, October 8, 2009


  1. Love that quote! :D Janet, I'm so glad to have found you. Hoping you enjoy the blogging community as much as I have.

    Oh, and I'm your lucky first follower? Wheeeeee. Huggage!

  2. Thanks Angie for all your help!
    I think having you as my first follower is a good omen!!
    PEACE-Moon Willow

  3. Hi Moon Willow and fellow Cajun! Love your blog! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and adding me as a friend. We Cajun girls have to stick together, cher! :)

  4. Bon Jour,Madame Marguerite,
    I really enjoyed reading your posts of our "Cajun Woodstock"-Festival Acadien et Creole.As well as the recipes posts!! My cousin, Lisa Trahan Reed is a member of the Magnolia Siters-an all woman's Traditional Cajun band. Through her I have had the privilege of meeting many of our extremely talented Cajun Women muscians. Lisa's father is the great Harry Trahan,a true master accordian player and his brother Willie "T", a Swamp Pop saxophone genius!
    I thank you for taking time out of your busy day to post on my blog! I am a newbie and still learning how to post and such,but I hope to make this a place where you can stop and "pass a good time" and make some new freinds,while sharing my love of OUR Cajun culture. Content de faire votre connaissance!Merci

  5. Hello
    I like this quote very much.It gives positive approach to people which is really very good.I like it very much.Thank you very much for sharing this with us.

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